Colony 36


Age: Unknown

Height: 6’0”

Weight: unknown

Brain: Merged with Treblod technology increased analytic abilities

Hair: Infused with Treblod technology, can be moved at will.

Cane: Grand Master of Arnis fires projectiles.

Body: Can slightly increase body mass and density

Ages at a decelerated rate

Ethiopian name Sampson from Jamaica. hides in Christin’s luggage compartment to hide from authorities after illegally planting herb on restricted land where her gets a gun pointed at him is self-defense by a young Bo-Lav (see bio). was a spy for the Colony 36 resistance until he was caught along with Bo-Lav and Hiro. Bo-Lav and Hiro help Ras escape and are punished by having body parts removed (see bio’s) steals Trebold tech on the way out that he later has an accident with the resulting in above stats
