Colony 36


Age: 35

Height: 5'6”

Weight: 115 pounds

Neck: Vibration sensor collar and neural Link, synaptic sensor to elbow feeds data directly into the optic nerve

Suit: Anti-Stress suit allows body to withstand and absorb G force energy

Elbow: Brace for synaptic sensor. Connects gun sights to optic nerve through synaptic sensor

Gloves: Unlock guns from holster allows only Bo-Lav to use them.

Holster: Magnetic auto retrieve for dropped gun.

Boots: Equipped with vibration sensors to offset loss of sight allows 360 degree vision.

Back: Computer controlled aim assist unit.

Grew up on Earth. Saved by Christin from sex slave traders then moves to Colony 36 with Christin, and meets Hiro. Becomes obsessed with all fire arms after the first time she used one in self-defense. Becomes best shot on Colony 36 until the Treblod remove her eyes so she can’t use her guns anymore. Replaced by Treblod technology to fight next Invasion
